Ta da! When I wasn't knitting my socks this month, I was stealth knitting this cowl, from my own Togetherness pattern:
I used a new-to-me yarn for this gift - Mominoki Yarns' German Merino - and I *loved* working with it. Very elastic, and crunchy yet soft.
Even more so after a bath in Soak wash, though I don't have pictures of that.
However! there were problems. Aren't there always, when you're knitting under pressure after getting a great idea for a gift with three weeks to go till Christmas, and a move to organize and execute in less than one of them?
For a start, I didn't think I needed to do a test swatch, despite changing yarns, because I was knitting the same weight. Wrong! I was four inches too wide on my first pass, and didn't discover that till I was three inches in. I ripped out and cast on with ten stitches less, and got an inch and a half in before I realized I was still way too wide. Third time was the charm, but I wasn't able to finish in time to cast off, let alone do the Soak and dry it before it needed to be wrapped.
So, my giftee got the cowl, which matches his bike helmet by the way...
... in its knitting bag, stuffed into a gift bag.
Another problem was that I misread my own pattern. It's supposed to be a double moss stitch, such that you do two rounds in one set of stitches before switching to the other pattern pairing.
That would've been a lot easier for me because every other round I would've been able to do what I'd done before, instead of knitting round one, round three, round two, then round four... and having to check every few stitches that I was following the pattern all right.
After the fact I realized a third problem, which was that I didn't check often enough, sigh.
Can you see that pimple of a purl stitch where it should be a neat line of knits? There's another one nearby, too.
Still. Done! And he likes it, and it looks great on him. Win win win!
Yesterday we went to Niagara Falls, hoping to revisit the American side as we didn't have time to get out of the car and look at it over the summer. I'm Canadian and though I've visited Niagara Falls often from the time I was small, I'd never looked at it from the south until August this year. Even then, we just got enough of a look to see it was different.
Well, we've seen it now, and WHOA is it *ever* different!
I felt a lot closer to it, for one thing. It was late and the afternoon was cloudy, but hopefully you can still make this out? Where the mist starts on this photograph, obscuring the hotels on the Canadian side - that's the drop on the southern edge of the Horseshoe.
Also, there are so many more little drops than I realized, leading up to the big drop.
From the Canadian side, these look like spray and bounce, but they're actually stepped rock.
Along the southern shore, there are pockets and outcroppings that
direct some of the water to the side, before it flows back into the
main body and crashes down to the rocks below. They look so gentle and manageable, even though they're leading to something that definitely isn't.
I took this picture of the drop from further up the river.
There's a duck swimming in this comparatively calm pool, just as if the mist was only something pretty.
Okay I find the Falls terrifying, if I'm honest. But I'm still so glad we got a chance to see them.
And I'm glad I'm finished the cowl so I can get back to my socks and maybe also a new project I've been yarn shopping for and may yet even commit to.
Hope you've had a wonderful week and also, got in some quiet time for yourself. I'm sure we all need it!
See you next Saturday and thanks as always for dropping by.