This is going to sound pathetic, but hear me out: the highlight of my week was the arrival of some books I ordered, whose passage was paid by vintage stamps. Here's the top of the stack. Are you getting chills?
Okay maybe it's just me, or rather the former stamp-collecting me. But some of these are borderline geriatric and I think it's pretty cool to see them on a parcel today.
Let's digress before I show you more stamps, shall we? It's a gorgeous day outside and I ventured out back to get a few pretty photos to appeal to the non-stamp-obsessives among us.
We ended up with white impatiens again this year after many years without, and they seem as happy to be back as we are to have them.
The hydrangeas are still blooming!
Even my beloved boxwood, which keeps getting attacked by invasive caterpillars, is fighting back with some fresh growth after I had to do a massive cull of its branches.
The second infestation of the season came a few weeks earlier than expected and by the time we noticed, it was too late to save more. I would give up, but this little sweetie works so hard to survive, I have to do all I can to help it.
Meanwhile, the stamps.
I loved our little day trip last week but the virus I picked up along the way: not so much. For almost a week now I've been stuck inside trying not to spread it to anyone else, and too sleepy to do any work. You can perhaps see how the arrival of four paperback-sized parcels with stamps on them might brighten a lonely invalid's week.
The one with the Queen Mother almost matches my sock, don't you think? Terrible photo, though. It's a bit of a grind trying to make the lighting work in my sickroom.
This one looks very patriotic, with the flag:
Fencing too! Seems appropriate during Olympics season.
Here's the last one:
That 5-cent stamp in the upper left corner is from the early 1960s, making it 60 years old! and in pretty spectacular shape for having gone through the mail system.
I can't actually bring myself to open the packages, I love the look of them so much. I will eventually though. There are vintage Agatha Christie paperbacks inside and one of them has a cover that's pink. Not the norm for the Queen of Crime.
Unfortunately this virus is one of those enthusiasm-zapping things where I couldn't even make myself knit, though I did bring my sock into isolation with me just in case. So I have no progress to report, of any kind. I am mostly reading the news, or sleeping to recover from eating. I suspect things are improving a little though, so by next week I should be able to share something a bit more exciting. Low bar, amiright?
Hope your weekend's looking lovely and thank you for dropping by today. See you next Saturday!
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