Saturday, August 31, 2024

How is it Labour Day Again

And here we are, back to another Labour Day Weekend! I always see this as a bigger reset than New Year's... fallout from all those school days I guess. Quick look at the fading days of summer here in beautiful sunny Toronto:

I love the autumn so much, and I'm not even a pumpkin spice girl. It's partly the sweater weather, partly the textured blue-greys of stormy skies, a lot the fact that I can get out and walk without slipping on ice or coming home sweaty. 

The last few years, with my head down writing, I've barely made time for outdoor activities, and last September thanks to a round of Covid that lingered with crushing fatigue, I missed the whole thing. This round, I am trying to maximize the ol' opportunities. 

After I clear up our pantry, ahem, and deal with a substantial laundry backload (again: head down writing!) I probably take Labour Day too literally, but the Overhaul Fest is how I spend it every time, sigh.

So today, since your options are pictures of jars moving to the front of cans by expiry date, or the walk I took last weekend with an out-of-town friend who drove in for the purpose, you're getting the walk. This time it features one of Toronto's gorgeous forest trails.

This lush path is right in the city, one of several that foster wetlands and interesting plant and insect species as they track the ravine system. You can go a *long* way doing that by bike or on foot, and we passed plenty of runners and dog-walking families too. 

Between the trails and forested areas there are huge swathes of picnic-friendly clearings, of which I do not currently have pictures to share. On weekends you'll often see extended family groups setting up for the day with a wagon full of coolers and equipment, the kids doing pickup sports while the grownups grill the day's meals and chat and unwind. 

The Sunnybrook Park component of the ravine system (where I took these pix) also features a huge flat area up a hill for sports grounds. It's got a shady path around the perimeter dotted with public-use outdoor fitness equipment like parallel bars, and setups for soccer and cricket. Families often set up for the day there too.

I kinda well up when I see how engaged our neighbours are and how much our city makes available for us all... I'm so grateful to live in a welcoming place where it's possible to access green space within range of public transit, if not your own two feet.

My fave spots are the shady leafy ones like this, where you can hear running water and trace the trunks and branches of the ravine's trees. Soon enough this path will be littered with colourful leaves and I totally intend to wade through them. 

Speaking of wading, how cute is this little sandbar at the side of the creek? You can climb down here easily and stand right at the water. Dogs must totally love this spot, which is I suspect the explanation for many a soggy canine I've seen in here.

Happy sigh. I can't wait to get back out there, maybe tomorrow when the weather cools down again. Today it is very hot, making it the perfect time to do some basement dwelling and tidy up to be ready for a new season. 

My personal goals for the next three months:

Getting at least two hours of outside time during daylight

Casting on a new non-sock knitting project

Or alternatively casting on mohair boot socks cause it's been too long

Setting up a spot for weaving and possibly even actual weaving

Reminding myself how to spin fiber - I might have to relearn entirely!

Finishing the revision on the next novel while I send out the current one

Starting a new writing project

Baking some yummy things

Eating some apple pie


That last one is such a craving right now for some reason. I feel like I might have to do an apple pie tasting tour of every place in the city that offers them.

Maybe this is too much to do in three months, but I'd rather aim high than not. Do you ever make plans for the fall?

No need to answer, we are a quiet bunch here at Hugs! But I so appreciate your coming by every week to spend a little time with me. Hope your Labour Day Weekend is lovely. See you next Saturday!

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