Sunday, November 20, 2016

I had ONE JOB this weekend

Okay as I type this, it is snowing outside. and not just 'snowing', because hard pellets of the stuff are hitting the window next to my head.  That's right - we are not talking about the cute snow that made our old porch so welcoming in January.

I knew this was coming because I am a compulsive weather-checker, and I had promised myself I would knit a new hat in time for the start of another work week.  One that actually matches my bright red walking parka, because I can't find any of my red or red-friendly hats and the ones that don't scream NOooooo when paired with red.  But did I do this?

Well, I got partway.  Over the past few days I dug out a lot of yarn (more on this later in the week) and I paired up a lot of yarn and even caked skeins and divided them for socks (again: more later).  I found sock yarn remnants that will be perfect for knitting up another pair of fingerless mitts so I can finally share with you the super easy pattern I made up last winter, hopefully with enough knitting time left before Christmas.  I found things I'd knit for presents and then misplaced, so that I couldn't give them away after all, but now I can.  I found the black and white yarn I want to use for a hat.  I found the hat I got partway through by the time the weather finally warmed up last spring, and saw that there are not so very many hours standing between it and a warmer Me.  And I ran in so many sock ends, which you already know.

But I didn't cast on the black and white hat, because I couldn't find the right needles for it.

And I didn't finish the mostly-done hat, because the needles I was using are lace tips and just so painful, I couldn't stand it.

So I guess I'll be pairing an orange hat or a green one with my red parka tomorrow.  Or maybe my grey and brown stripey one? 

Or maybe I'll pop over to the discount department store and check the men's section for another cashmere watchcap like I found last year, and misplaced last spring.  With my hood up, so I don't freeze.  And wishing I could sneak in another day of weather like this, sigh.

la la la la... Well.

I think we all know what really happened here.  I mean I am a procrastinator but knitting is knitting and the only true reason not to knit a hat when the weather is about to drop below freezing is because you got totally absorbed in some other very exciting project.  And I would show you but that would mean waiting to go back to it and I simply can't bear not to go on knitting it another minute!

Here's hoping you're also immersed in a fabulous project and that your head stays nice and warm tomorrow, especially if it's because you are somewhere too toasty to need a hat.


zippiknits...sometimes said...

Lace tipped needles are actually weapons. ;o)

Mary Keenan said...

I agree - much better weapons than needles (though I might change my tune if I were knitting more lace...)