Saturday, January 28, 2023


 Aren't these socks beautiful? 

They all have mates, of course, but I thought fanning out the different colours of wool/mohair blend would make a nice picture. 

These socks were all knit with yarn from Stoddart Family Farm, which no longer produces yarn of any kind. And that's sad because it is the nicest hefty yarn I know... Sylvia was so amazing at hand-dying, and boy does the yarn from the goats and sheep on her farm, and the one next door, make luxurious socks. It is a delight to wear anything I make with it. I am very, very grateful I overbuy everything I fall in love with, just in case, because I still have a stash of it and have many more Sylvia socks in my future.


These socks have something else in common, too. They all have a problem like this:

sigh. Mostly on the heel, as here, but sometimes on the toe.  Even torn up, the stitches still look so pretty to me. Ethereal, no less.

But you can't walk around in a sock like that. It's time for me to get darning! 

Meanwhile, we had a big storm this week and when I looked out, all I could see was rain slapping the windows and our plants bearing up as best they could.

At the start

In the middle when I started to worry
about power outages...

And a day or two later

I think there's a lesson to be learned there... stuff happens that's less than ideal, and it's hard to take, but then circumstances come along, like sun and wind, and change things up so you can carry on after all. Still, when it comes to the socks, I don't think wind is gonna cut it. It's gotta be me.

Somewhat related but not really, I am just so excited about this plant I am looking for any excuse to show you: I got an amaryllis for Christmas and while the blooms were astonishing and lovely, the foliage stuff that's going on now is fabulous!

I mean, so vibrant and unexpected. Even the shade of green is thrilling.

(and yes, our dining table is pretty much a plant parade ground these days. I need to find other horizontal surfaces that want a green friend.)

I know I'm supposed to do something with this bulb so it blooms again next year, and I do intend to ask the friend who gave it to me how she manages that part. But if it means sticking it in a dark cold space right now and not getting to look at these strong green shapes every day, I'm not up for it.


Hope you have something wonderful going on to make up for the hole-y socks in life! And I hope I see you here again next week.


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