However, I did start a mitten yesterday, and I couldn't be more thrilled. Yes, the pattern for which I had perfect gauge went horribly wrong within about two rows, but I was able to disengage immediately and head straight into making one of my own that seems to be working out just fine, and let's hope I didn't just jinx myself by typing that. True, I didn't get a chance to take any photographs while it was still light enough out for them to work and I don't have time now, but I can always post some another day. Let's get right to the thrill part:
5" Brittany Birch double pointed needles!
Omigosh, they are so cute to work with! How come I never knew how fun tiny needles can be? I guess I've only ever used 10" metal ones in the teeny sizes. This, by contrast, is tactile heaven, more fun even than the way longer Brittany Birch needles I bought for making hats. It's like playing with dollhouse toys. I will definitely need more sizes next time I'm in Stitch because I know I will want to be knitting socks while I'm knitting mittens, and I hate waiting for needles that are not so very prohibitive to buy in the first place.
Speaking of which, doesn't it just figure that yesterday was the very same day a new batch of yarn showed up at Twisted Fiber Art? So that in spite of my many, many recent knit-related purchases I just had to buy more for spinning and for socks?
I know, I know. Back to the editing so I can pay for all this. I'll post a pic of the mittens in a few days, and the first installment of Adventure Sweater instructions, too. Until then, we'll have to make do with this closeup of the green component of the green-and-natural checkerboard pattern:

You can actually see the crunchiness, can't you? It's the coolest yarn to work with - a bit of alpaca, a lot of wool, really nicely spun, with serious backbone. I'm so glad I got lots.
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