This is Genevieve's Graduation Sweater from Kathleen Taylor's book Fearless Fair Isle. When I said I would love to knit a sample for it, I thought I would get - I don't know - mittens? A hat? And then I got an e-mail saying I'd been assigned this and (another amazement) did not have a heart attack. See, I've known Kathi for a reeeeaaaallly long time, and I remembered Genevieve's Graduation Sweater from when she made the one she actually gave Genevieve. It is a very special and meaningful knit and I didn't know whether I could pull it off.
Well, I need not have panicked. Kathi sent over the draft chapter on introducing Fair Isle, complete with all sorts of advice and instruction, and by the time I cast on I felt like a pro. Normally this is the last kind of project I would ever call 'travel knitting', but I traveled with it everywhere and never had a problem following the charts.

I took a few pictures of the process so Kathi could tell me whether I was doing it right - I wanted her sample to be perfect - and I always was, just from following the pattern.

Here is my favourite picture, taken just after I cut the steek. I love the design on the exterior of this sweater but I find this interior shot breathtakingly beautiful:

It was a great experience, and I can't wait to get my hands on the patterns for the other projects in this book.
* * * * * *
Edited to add:
Whoa! I published this and then dashed out the door for much of the day. What a nice thing to come home to all these lovely supportive comments - thanks guys!!
Ohhhhh so beautiful! Stupendo you knitted a masterpiece! Its soo gorgeous it could be framed as art!
Absolutely breathtaking!
Absolutely gorgeous, I love those colours, what a fantastic job, Was that your first time cutting steeks....
it's beautiful!!!
And just like you I can barely wait to buy my own copy of this book:)
Oh, that is so lovely, Maire! Kathi is such a talented designer, and your knitting is just gorgeous. Can't wait till my copy of the book arrives....
Absolutely breathtaking! I will have to follow your brave lead and knit one of these as soon as I get my own copy.
WOW!! I am beyond words at how amazing this is. You're an amazing knitter and an inspiration. Too bad you couldn't keep it. =)
Stunning! Gorgeous! Fabulous! (Hang on a sec, I need a thesaurus here!)
It isn't the one I thought it was though :)
And look at the reverse - it's so neat you can easily wear it inside out!
It looks as beautiful as the original. Enjoy this gorgeous sweater!
That is awesome !!!! Almost makes want to knit one too . That is until I read the word 'steek' . Just call me chicken ...
I thought I posted a comment here, but it didn't show up.
Beautiful beautiful work, Mary! Thank you so much!
It is veddy veddy nice! :-)
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