Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Itty bittty sock-a-litties

Well, here we are in - what, is it the end of August already?? and I've only just finished another pair of summer socklits.  H'mmmm.

I know I say - or think - this every time I polish off a new pair of socks, but I would really love to wear some socks inside out.  I never do it, because I have this idea that they wear better if you keep the purl side against your skin instead of rubbing along inside your shoe, but the colour changes are just so darned cute in the reverse.

So, so pretty.  And also, not so very different when it comes to the ribbing.  This is ribbed stitch done with the knit stitch worked through the back of the loop, and you can see even on the left sock, where the specially knit stitch shows as a purl, that the ribbing is somehow sharper.

Hello purly...

Socks like this - the colours, the brevity, the fact that they were handknit - they really spell enthusiasm, don't they.  Faith and confidence in a wonderful relaxing pristine summertime.  These socks are saying to me, This is the year you will play tennis at a fancy club! (I don't play tennis, but hey: miracles happen.)  They're kind of channeling Seventeen magazine from the early 80s, is what I'm getting at.  When the magazine was all about the cute carefree fashion, with Bass Weejun penny loafers in the wings for a back-to school purchase.

(and how cute would these babies be inside a pair of Bass Weejuns??)

Alas, I passed up my chance at Bass Weejuns last time I was in the U.S., and no tennis-playing opportunities arose.  I was bitten mercilessly at the cottage and it was too chilly to really enjoy swimming almost all the days we were able to be there.

Good thing I have a nice pair of socks to show for all that disappointment, huh?  And another summer to look forward to, next year.

What about you - did your summer go the way you hoped it would?

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