Tuesday, October 4, 2016

More free knitting patterns from Hugs

Hi all!  I am just popping in very quickly to say that if you've been hankering after one of the patterns I've been charging for, like perhaps the Railyard Scarf that's been so popular lately...

... they are now FREE.  There are still a few whose proceeds I share with Interweave and they remain accessible from my Pattern Shop site, but everything I was hosting here at Hugs is now yours for the taking.

(Just click the name of the pattern above the image to get to the download page.)

In addition to the Railyard Scarf, that includes:

PuddleJumper Socks

Winter Garden Hat

Confectionery Cap

Strawberry Sundae Hat

With the Great House Renovation project nearing its close, I have a bunch of other patterns to write or knit up so the list won't end here... but it's anybody's guess whether I'll have time to get to that before the ultimate annual deadline - Gift Knits.  Ugh, two perfectly lovely words that strike terror into my heart when combined!

More tomorrow but for now, please accept my apologies for the gaps in regular Hugs, and I hope you have been very well indeed since we were last here together.


Laurinda said...

Thank you for making them free! As much as I'll miss your voice in my inbox, do what you have to do, & we'll be here waiting.
(Don't forget to relax)

Mary Keenan said...

I am making a very serious effort to create and protect some relaxation time Laurinda - it is driving me crazy not to write posts every day but I am getting more sleep now so it's probably a sensible tradeoff :^)

Laurinda said...

Oh yes, more sleep is high priority! Good for you in keeping your relaxation time. So many women don't :-(

Mary Keenan said...

Ain't that the truth!