Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ten things for Tuesday

Because I can't think of just one interesting thing to turn into a story for you today - it's supposed to be my day off and apparently my brain took that news seriously - I'm going to try for ten uninteresting things in note form, and see whether one of them strikes a chord.  If not, let's try again tomorrow.

1. I've cast on another new project instead of finishing any of the socks.

Are you even surprised by that at this point?

2. I'm supposed to bring a traditional dish to a multicultural dinner this weekend and the best I can come up with is my grandmother's Scottish shortbread, which is extra sad because I'm pretty sure I'm three-quarters Irish.

3. Today is the only day I have time to make the shortbread and I don't feel like it.  I so much don't feel like it, I have actually cleaned the bathroom in an effort to stay out of the kitchen.  Which was silly because now that's two things I didn't feel like doing on the one day - in theory only - I have off.

4. In the battle between scary Zombie guy and giant spiders, the Zombie seems to have won.

This happened because a/ the wind really messed with those spiders' web and b/ all three are inanimate objects. 

5. In other news, I still haven't taken down the Halloween decorations.

Or raked any leaves. 

There will be rain tomorrow.  I need to get on this.  Days off: they never are. 

6. I've been thinking about knitting for men, and am torn between being glad I don't have to do it much, and wishing there were more size-flexible things that are fun to knit for men than scarves.

7. When I was digging into the stash yarn cupboard this morning looking for a something to knit with for a man, I spotted a ton of fiber that I still need to spin.  This is even more worrying than the dearth of fun things to knit for men that don't take 12-24 hours to finish.

8. Speaking of fiber: my spinning wheel has been sitting in the corner of the living room for just over two months now, waiting for me to finish one last bump.  When it's done, I can ply two whole thingies of yarn, and because plying is my favourite yarny thing ever so I am feeling extra sad about the cookies and raking and Halloween decorations that should also all happen today.

9. Of course, there's the weaving too.  I haven't made progress on that one Christmas scarf in a couple of weeks either.

10. I did manage to finish one thing though!

But more on that tomorrow (or maybe the next day, if something more exciting happens first.)  Go have a good one yourself, with my best wishes for getting to do what you want with it, and not what you gotta.

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