Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

I hope you are all having a lovely day today, whatever it is you are doing!

We are still living in ice and snow here, in some cases also without heat or power, but if Christmas is coming your way, it is going to come regardless - just as icy branches still reach out to each other for what they need.

Yesterday I was reminded that this special day is really about love: the amazing gift not only of our being able to love, but of our being able to be loved in return. 

Then I had a note from Churchmouse Yarns and Teas suggesting that this day is about peace, even if it means wrapping up a gift-knit-in-progress with needles still attached!  You know what: just stop.  Be at peace.

I think both thoughts apply very well, and I hope there is a lot of love and peace in this day for you.  See you again soon!


Marianne said...

Oh Mary, I had two gifts that are still on the needles they were accepted with joy and teasing about the wood and cable attachments, LOL. Hope you are warm and snug, surrounded with Love!

Mary Keenan said...

Marianne, that is so sweet!! very snug, very warm, very loved - I know you are too :^)