Monday, July 7, 2014

Spinning some cabbages

A while back, I got a braid of Mon Petit Chou roving in the mail from Twisted Fiber Art, on a wool/silk base.  Yep: my little cabbage - inspired by actual red and green cabbages.

Kind of goes without saying that I love this colourway, right?  I mean, who wouldn't.  And also, Cabbages! I really like cabbage.

I wanted to spin this into bulky yarn, which made it a perfect cottage project: fast and mindless.  I did some in the evening, my work lit by the old stone wine jug lamp that used to live in my aunt and uncle's basement rec room in the city, before it went north...

... and more in the morning, in the light pouring in from the giant window behind my rocking chair.

It's really cool to sit in that particular chair for spinning.  It's very small, just the right size for rocking as you treadle.

The colours are pretty great for the cottage, too - the darker greens especially come close to matching the paint my cousins used for their dad's repurposed-dresser stereo cabinet.

I don't think I'll ply them up there, though.  In fact I'll probably wait till August for the plying, and just spin singles all this month.  Otherwise, how on earth will I get through all that fiber?

Hope you're keeping up with everything today and I'll see you tomorrow!

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