Oh, there is nothing nicer on a sun-drenched early-summer afternoon than sitting by a window and grafting sock toes.
I mean it. There isn't ANYthing nicer - at least, not if you've just been out in a super hot room wearing jeans because you totally misinterpreted the forecast. A cool room, a comfy chair, a cup of tea, and the prospect of freeing up sock needles for a gorgeous summery colour to work on for a week or two - that is bliss.
Seems like just yesterday these guys were chompy socks...
Admiring the view out the window, trying to eat innocent houseplants and Biscuits... and now they are sedate, mature socks just waiting to be grafted and worn.
It doesn't even take long to graft a sock toe. Especially now, for me, after all the practise I've had. When I started I was terrified for every stitch, but now I can actually have a conversation while weaving the opening shut.
I gave myself a special gift this time and ran in the ends after closing the toes. Last summer, I knit something like twelve socks and didn't run in ANY ends before going on to the next, which resulted in a Very Sad Mary once sock season started and I had to run in ends on all those socks before I could wear them.
Aren't they lovely with the ends run in? Wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't nearly 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside so I could wear them?
(don't answer that: we all know that summer is too short to be wishing away the very hot days.)
And now, to knit the second Kiss Me Deadly sock so I have two new pairs and not just one and a half.
Are you knitting a pair of anything right now?
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