Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lakeside spinning

Quite a long time ago now, I fell in love with some Polwarth roving from Waterloo Wools named 'Lakeside'.  During the post-Christmas wheel frenzy I finally prepped it for spinning...

and started off to make some very slim singles.

What possessed me to do that when everything else I was spinning was superfast bulky, I don't know.  Thoughts of guy-friendly fingerless gloves maybe?

These colours seem pretty masculine to me and I hate to waste things like that, because there's so little of it in my stash.  Really it was the fingerless glove thing that captured my attention, and superbulky yarn does not a fingerless glove make.

Because slim singles take longer I couldn't finish all of them the first day, but I made myself finish them the second with plying all the bulky yarns as my carrot. 

Plying slim singles is a bit harder for me than superbulky ones, too - they're more fussy at the ends, when they get very small and pop out of the bags I ply from and tangle up generally - so I took my time over that part of the job.

Not that you could tell from the look of it bunching up on the wheel...

Still: the plied yarn did turn out to be sport weight, which is what I'd been after.

And it looks so pretty right now, I'm not sure when I'll be able to bring myself to get it into skeins and wet block it...

but I'll have to if I want those gloves, and I do.  Stay tuned! And have a great day till I see you tomorrow.

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