Monday, March 29, 2010

Fair Isle progress report

Last week was filled with health crises and hospital knitting, so I didn't get a lot of Fair Isling done until things settled down over the weekend...

... when learned that 16" circular needles. so beneficial for sleeve knitting, aren't friendly to knitters with a tendency toward carpal tunnel. Fortunately I have a very good wrist brace and I can start moving back and forth now between the circular needle sleeve and the 10" Brittany Birch double pointed needle sleeve, so that shouldn't slow me down much.

Speaking of two sleeves at once, an overnight away made for some urgency in the packing-up department for all these project bits. When I started this sweater I could carry it in one little pouchlet, and look at it now:

The progress isn't as dramatic as last time, but I'm close enough to the end now to be grateful for what I have.

I'm finally at the point where the body section keeps my legs warm as I knit - and boy is that nice on a chilly evening.


Kathleen Taylor said...

It's going to be so very beautiful!

Sally Anne said...

Wow, those needles must be turbo will soon be finished and it's looking good !!