Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nothing to see here

Nothing to see because Carol's long-delayed second Bed Sock finally finished drying (YAY) under cover of darkness and had to be wrapped in same to be ready for delivery this morning.

Nothing to see because I have been so busy baking cookies to deliver to the neighbours for a little Christmas love, I didn't have sufficiently free brain to think of any other projects I absolutely must knit for myself before Saturday.

(though I did work on Carol's second Bed Sock while hovering over the oven timer the other night, putting it down to switch the pans around so the meringues would brown evenly.)

Nothing to see because


the one thing I hoped to avoid has in fact come to pass: owing to my hat and cowl digressions last week, I must finish Manhat in social settings with people who will probably blab to Man, assuming Man himself doesn't actually pop in.

Fortunately I'm up to the crown. If I knit it close enough to the zip top of the knitting bag it's in, maybe it will just look like a boring navy blue blob not worth even asking about, and not an intriguing something with maple leaves on it?

1 comment:

Kathleen Taylor said...

If it helps, I've found that very few people actually *see* what you're knitting. I have knit presents for people in front of them for years, and only one has ever recognized the same item after opening it. If you work on Manhat in public, and someone asks about it, say it's for a magazine article. They'll be impressed and that little lie won't hurt anyone.