Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The height of comfort and elegance

Bob's here:

and his socks fit.

The needles in the toes and all the little loops of yarn hanging down waiting to be run in took some explaining, but apart from those hazards, he loves them.

What I love:

the texture of the fabric.  You really get such comfy socks out of Stoddart yarn.

And now: time to graft.  Or knit orange socks.  Probably the latter if I'm honest.

Have a good night, folks!


Unknown said...

I have laughed at your toe grafting issues. I am so very anal, I graft immediately after I'm finished, run in the ends and everything. It's insane. I just want to wear them as soon as possible. I've even been known to throw on a pair of wool socks when it's in the 90's outside, just because I had finished them!

Trish said...

Show off! I'm still halfway to the heel on my never-ending socks... You're right, though - the feel of the socks is delicious.

Kathleen Taylor said...

And the Kitchener Stitch has defeated me. I freely admit it.

justmeandtwo said...

They look fantastic! Great working keeping at it! Lovely fabric you've knit.