Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things that look like yarn

You know how sculptors sometimes say that their job is to carve away the excess in a rock or branch that obscures a beautiful piece of art?

Well, sometimes a yarn stash can kinda be the opposite.

For example...

Take a look at this gorgeous pair of wool socks destined for a winter-camping neighbour down the street.  I think using the deep purple for cuff, heel, and toe is a great way to stretch out the stripey yarn (her feet are a little bigger than mine, so I'm glad I can be on the safe side.)

These socks were going to be a woven scarf until I remembered how fast DK knits up.  These ones are for another friend whose feet (YAY) are the same size as mine.

In another case of early misdirection, this woven scarf was going to be a knitted shawl.  But then part of the companion yarn got assigned to the other scarf I'm weaving, so I decided to switch this over too.

This is another cowl for Heather, this time designed to fit snugly around her chin so she can tuck her head down and warm her breath on cold days.  Don't you love it when you have a friend who's not only knitworthy, but also actually needs your knits?

And - yep, another woven scarf.  I was thinking socks for this yarn, but I am pretty sure there's enough left over to make a pair of those too.  Yay!

Looking at these gorgeous pictures, two thoughts are running through my head:

1/ CRIMINY do I have a lot of Christmas makes to cram into the next few weeks (because Emperor's New Clothes vision only carries you so far, have you noticed?) and

2/ What does your yarn stash look like today?

Hope your day is lovely (and maybe even features a bit of Halloween decorating) and I'll see you tomorrow.

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