Since they need another two hours max, perhaps I'll be done today - and that means you have until tomorrow to guess what mistake I made on this pair (I made more than one, so you get some leeway.)
While I try to get these over my toes I'm plotting and scheming for a new improved Hugs, the details of which I will be able to provide a lot sooner if I can get the socks done, and working out another pattern idea.
To do these three things I am putting off writing up the second free holiday knit as well as designing the third, which is something I personally need to have right now, which is leading to
which is totally making me wonder why I don't have any chocolate in the the house.
Answer: because chocolate is something I would definitely finish.
The mistake is that you did a wedge toe and now have to Kitchener the end closed, instead of working the much much much easier Star Toe... heh...
SO much worse than that... though, yes, definitely doing a star toe next time!
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