Leaving aside the terrible photography I've committed on this rainy day, I bring to you a great big Yessss!
With a small patch of nooooooo! because after meeting my goal of finishing up to the top decrease on my Ravellenics Mitts last night (very late) I have not yet knit any of said decrease today and I need to move on to the thumbs in the morning tomorrow.
Though I can't actually do the thumbs tomorrow, as I will be busy all day.
Which means the busy things probably just won't happen because I really want these mitts into their bath by Friday night.
Nearly done!
I waited all day to get sunlight to take pictures of my exciting mitten progress and ended up missing the only ten minutes between rainclouds because I was throwing stuff out from a closet I can now see into the back of. It's quite liberating if you don't look at all the stuff that's still on the floor and isn't going back in. But there was a reward, because my efforts produced not just dust bunnies: I also got my hands on the solitary miniature twined mitt I made in a class I took over a year ago now.
(Don't tell: all this time I've been vaguely aware of possibly not actually twining these mittens, but doing something entirely different by accident.)
Well, whew, because when I spotted the mini mitt I hastily turned it inside out and compared the stitches as best I could:
Yeah, I know. Rain + Flash + Totally Different Yarns. Still: it's the same stitch. I'm okay.
Now that I'm nearly done I should be thinking about all kinds of other exciting knitting projects I could do, like the shawl I'm dying to cast on or the Bob Socks I wouldn't mind finishing or the hat that's on to its crown. But you know what I've got on my mind instead?
Knitting more twined mitts.
With the bulky yarn I spun for this project in the first place.
Le sigh...
(they'd go faster the second time though, right?)
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