Saturday, March 10, 2012

About me

Welcome to Hugs For Your Head!

My name is Mary, and I love old movies, long walks, tea and chocolate and a good book, knitting with and spinning yarn, and looking at stuff I sewed nicely.  The actual sewing is not my favourite but I do it anyway because I am that gone on the end result. 

I’m also a writer, which means I spend a lot of time not writing the stuff I should be and feeling guilty about it.  One of the best ways to not write is to do something else you enjoy that's easier (like knitting through an old movie while eating chocolate, for example.)  And then, to get yourself back to work, it’s helpful to write about anything but what you should be (like what you just knit.)

That’s why you’ll find so much useful stuff here about making things: I’m a terrible procrastinator.  One of the most productive procrastinators you’ll ever meet, but a procrastinator nonetheless.  Hope you’ll stick around and help!

You will find quite a few free knitting patterns at Hugs - for chemo caps, or very fast gifts, or other things I share to thank the terrific people who spend time here. 

Technical Tip

If you're having trouble downloading a free pattern, don't stress.  Just e-mail me from the link at the bottom of the sidebar and let me know which one you wanted.  I'll send you the file as soon as I get your note.


Brendaknits said...

Thanks Mary for the links - all in one spot - to your patterns. I have just spent an enjoyable hour browsing through them all and downloadig favourites.

Cindy said...

I love the socks from June, 2015 “consequences of . . . Movie”. Where do I need to look for the patterns? I love your color combinations.

Mary Keenan said...

Cindy, I'm afraid I've never posted those sock patterns - but I can direct you Knitterly Things for the sock yarn! All those color combos are from Julia, who is a genius and makes knitting striped socks such a pleasure :^)
If you click on the 'Sources' tab, you'll find the online shop near the top of the list.