and it's garter stitch, which means I can knit it without looking. Yes, there was a slight hitch with the pattern that would have been alleviated by working out in advance exactly how many ridges I should count on either side before each decrease and increase, but I didn't have comfort food handy - chocolate croissant for choice - to take the place of the needles until after I messed up the decreases for the waist.

No matter, I will adjust in the waist area so the overall length is right, and hopefully I won't mess up the increases.
Meanwhile, I can knit it while I'm reading,

or even walking, which I did all the way home from the gym yesterday (except when crossing the most frequently fatal intersection in the city.)
In fact if I don't magically get calm about the latest driving angst, such that I can bring myself to let it out of my shaking hands, I might have the whole thing knit in a couple of weeks. I wonder if it will be cold enough out to wear it, the day of my test?
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