I finished knitting the cosy for the cottage teapot, but it still needed some stitching up and trimming when I arrived there and wanted tea, so I used my at-home handknit tea cosy instead:
Thank you, foresight in bringing it north. I didn't make this one - it was made for me, very generously, in a long-ago Swap at Knitting and Tea and Cookies, my Ravelry knitting group. Now that I've put it on the cottage pot I am thinking I didn't really need to knit another, but: too late!
That's my favourite teacup there, too. Luckily I bought three of these cups for the cottage, all in different
designs, so I can usually lay claim to this one even if somebody else is
up who likes the same style. It's a great cup - the right size, the
right handle position, and the right rim. After I noticed how fabulous
it is I went back to the store and bought the very last one of them to
keep at home, but its design isn't quite as cute as this one.
On the left there is Owly, my favourite of the cottage trivets (my aunt and uncle left several to choose from, as well as several teapots.)
In late spring and early summer, the cottage needs setting up and there are a ton of bugs just waiting to feast upon any human who ventures out of doors, so I do a lot of decorating. Then around about now, the bugs start dying off and the lake warms up. At the moment we're still a bug buffet, but less so even than a week ago, and the lake is up to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (which tells you something about the air temperatures.)
So... even though I am scrambling to finish this year's decorating ideas, it's getting to be outdoors time, and I am caring less about what pictures are up where.
Feel like coming for a walk to see what hasn't changed this year?
The comfy bar chairs on the deck are new, but the view you get sitting in them: still the same. Stunning.
Or you might choose a yellow chair on the way to the lake. Our footstool and side table stumps are still exactly where we left them, and amazingly the chairs are pretty much in the same shape they were last fall when we forgot to put them under the cottage for the winter.
It's still a bit dangerous to think about lying in the hammock for more than about a minute, but in a few weeks there will be a lineup for it.
Ohhhh! Bright red kayak! Pete bought this for me on Sunday. Actually he just bought two random kayak things and I picked the red one, because I love red. It's not a real kayak - you don't sit down in it, but rather on it. They are meant to be very stable and lightweight and non-wreckable even when stored under the cottage all winter or drawn up over rocks to the shore, which makes it perfect for the likes of me.
The steps down to the dock are still in place, but the three flat stones at the bottom of them have shifted under the winter's ice. Meh, they still work.
And the water: still so clear and beautiful. It's enough to make you not want to knit, isn't it? It's almost even enough to make you not want to do the last bits of decorating too, but I am not a giver-upper, so stay tuned for some crafty ideas.
Meanwhile: have yourself a great day, and I will do the same. See you tomorrow!
So glad you liked the cozy and are still using it. Love your cottage.
LOVE the cozy :^) thanks again for surprising me with it!
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