Today I am supposed to be sensible and set aside the gnome-patterned flannel PJs that appeared as if by magic yesterday, and leave the house for various things, none of which involve
a/ a knitting store
b/ a sewing store in which to look longingly at Berninas (the one I will pass is closed today: definitely A Hint)
so I don't have much time for writing this morning. Instead I'm going to show you a picture of the laundry I carried up from the basement the other day, which was so delicious I had to grab the camera and take it outside:
This is only about half of my handknit sock supply - plus a pair of machine knit alpaca socks in grey - and yet it was a real snuggle-fest of an armful. It made me wonder why I keep thinking I don't have enough socks yet.
(answer: because I have so much sock yarn still waiting to be knit.)
Hush your mouth. There's no such thing as *enough* hand knit socks.
We envy your feet. Thanks for following our blog,by the way, and if you're ever in Ottawa, please come by to write with us (and bring your knitting)!
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