Well, here we are at day 12, ready or not!
Today's theme: jewelry.
Remember how berserko people went a couple of years ago for cheap bangles with beautiful knitted fabric stretched over them? Well, hang onto your hats. These knits are fast and - in my opinion - irresistible.
Treasure locket for Mom, courtesy the Purl bee (if you can crochet, you can do the matching ring)
Heartfelt Rings, courtesy tinyowlknits (you have to felt, but still: I bet there's time!)
Okay folks, this is it. Christmas is tomorrow, but it starts today for me - same every year now, aren't I lucky? - so I'm officially On Vacation. If I don't post here at dawn on Monday it will not be because I exploded from excess chocolate consumption but probably because I am sleeping off excess chocolate consumption. Don't worry about me till Tuesday, is the message here. And then forgive me if I trundle in around midday.
Meanwhile - even if you don't celebrate one of the many holidays that fall around this time of the year I hope you enjoy the more-or-less slower pace resulting from so many workplaces being closed for a break. (and if you do celebrate one or more of them, have a wonderful time with lots of fodder for future warm memories!)
hugs, and happy knitting to you,
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