Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I am so doomed

Three exciting but bad-for-stash-reduction things that happened yesterday:

I found out that I wasn't too late for the Stoddart Family Farm Wool Share (which will net me 4 skeins of the best winter sock yarn I know)

Twisted announced that all six colourways from the Twisted Fiber Art club are now available to club members for a week or two (like I'm not gonna get in on that.  I know I haven't shown the colours here yet because I didn't want to spoil them for anybody, but WHOA.)

I marked the dates for the Knitter's Frolic on my calendar.

man, I have some serious knitting to do to make room for new yarn.  wish me luck...


Unknown said...

You go girl! Get those fingers and needles moving! :D

Kathleen Taylor said...

The minute my Yarn Buying Moratorium Ends, I'm heading to Twisted.