Wednesday, September 24, 2014


No self-respecting squid would have this many tentacles, but I'm having trouble lately thinking of the Cheery-Uppy socks as anything other than marine life...

... just think, I get to run in all those ends!  But I think it's the last time, because I'm already salivating over the idea of doing long colour changes all down the leg of the next few pairs of my mohair boot socks, instead of sporty little stripes.

It's not like top-of-leg stripes have really stood out on the last few pairs, or this one:

At least, not while I'm knitting them.  Check out the finished Other Sock:

Isn't that weird, how different a piece looks when all of its parts are in place and perspective?

There are at least three and maybe more pairs of these socks it kit form down in my basement knitting lair, and how I'm supposed to knit them when I'm also supposed to be packing is something I appear not to have considered.  In fact I'm doing a very good job at solving that problem by ignoring it.  But knit them I should because, wait for it: after we move I will need these crazy super warm socks.  Yep, I am going to be walking outside in the freezing cold every day.

Isn't that fabulous?

I'm not being sarcastic here: I love walking.  So much more than I love how comfy my driver's seat is, or appreciate staying dry getting from A to B on a rainy day.  The fact is I came to driving so late, I have never felt as free in a car as I do walking on my own two legs, taking routes you can't do in a car (like, though malls and laneways) and seeing stuff without the filter of a foggy, streaky, or dusty windshield.  So moving downtown means walking to me, and even as I type this and look out over my beautiful green leafy neighbourhood I am pretty excited.

Also: I knit.  And the only people I know who look more forward to cold weather than skiers are people who knit.

We've come a long way from where I started this morning - with squids and insane numbers of ends to run in - but I'm curious.  What's your most-essential cold weather hand knit accessory?


Laurinda said...

If nothing else, I need a scarf! Preferably wide & long, because sometimes it has to keep my face warm. I usually have one end at the middle of my back, then up & around my neck (with enough room to tuck my face down into it) & the other end down my chest, keeping it warm. Important knitwear right there, & versatile, too

Mary Keenan said...

Oh my goodness yes: SCARF. Tonight I didn't buy a warm fall coat with a giant collar you can zip up and fold so that it's resting around your nose, with space inside for a big scarf, and I thought... I'm turning this down why? (because I fell in love with a trim little boiled wool jacket from France that cost $400 more, and decided I had better get out of that store before started a buying avalanche, is why.)