Monday, December 12, 2011

Those crazy cowls

There's a lot of the crazy around my place right now, go figure

(I'm looking at you, Christmas knitting amid crazy Christmas schedule)

but the craziest of all is the cowls I've been making from handspun.  It's in the way they look, the size of needles I'm using to make them, the shocking variance of yarn size along any given yard, and the fact that I'm knitting them when they aren't destined for any particular person and other projects are SO overdue.

Here is the mostly finished one:

and here is the one that isn't terribly finished at all:

The mostly finished one has ends to run in, and they didn't stay when I tried doing that with my fingers.  I mean really, who has a darning needle as big as you need for this superbulky handspun?  Or buttons large enough for those giant buttonholes?

Not me.  Here is some gear I picked up at the fabric store on the weekend:

That was an ordeal in itself, what with the fabric store I count on having closed its most local location after 30 or so years.  I mean REALLY, don't they know I need them, especially in December?

The upshot is, I love these cowls. I think I need to whip up the pattern for how I'm making them because I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person with bulky stash yarn just begging to be under somebody's tree this Christmas in some useful form.  If you're another such person, you might want to start looking for pairs of 1.5"-ish buttons.  Just sayin'!


Anonymous said...

I can't help it...they look like you crocheted them. Just sayin.

Mary Keenan said...

Thank you for mentioning that because I forgot to! Isn't it weird? It's just grand lattice stitch and looks knit when you do it in regular yarn, but in crazy bumpy beginnerish handspun: totally crocheted.