thing that puts a new post up on this blog every weekday morning is my personal
need to write something every day. It’s
actually painful for me not to do it; on weekends I’m like, Ohhh! Weekend!
until about Sunday afternoon and then it’s all itchy twitchy when will I write
in my blog again and what will I be saying?
could write other things, of course.
It’s just that I don’t. So this
is it, and the only downside in the face of all that YAY is:
knit something interesting to look at
a knitting blog, gotta have knitting pictures
do some lace, or some cables, or something other than yet another hat
really I don’t have to worry about that at all, do I.
knitting is beautiful in all its forms.
if all I’m knitting is super simple socks, you know I’m going to be knitting
them in super amazing yarn from some amazing person with a gift for
colour. And there will be a bit of me in
there too, choosing fibers that are nice to knit with, and if the weather and
light are right I’ll be able to take some beautiful pictures even with my
current camera which frankly I would really love to have time to research and
replace but I don’t because that would be lost knitting opportunities.
here, look at these nice sock cuffs.
I’m knitting socks again.
they are plain stocking stitch.
fancy pattern, no elaborate shaping, just socks I don’t have to think about.
You know why? Because it’s that or not knit at all.
if you ask me, there’s nothing wrong with getting the plain knitting done and
making room for the fussier knitting to come later… assuming there is a later
with time in it.
if there isn’t? it’s totally better to have plain socks than no socks. said the
girl with cold toes.)
tell you more about the yarn and stuff another day, when there is more to show,
Sometimes, letting the yarn do the talking is the absolute right choice!
I am non-preference knitter, its knitting I want to read about it, period. I love it all!
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