Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Three things on my knitting bucket list

A couple of weeks ago, before The Sickness, I talked with Helena about knitting and spinning and life generally.  She made some remark about fiber she was spinning into yarn for socks, and I said Wait up, what?? even though I know that spinning yarn for socks is something that people do.

At this point I must mention that yes, I do know I said a lot of things about socks yesterday.  It's okay.  I knit something different last night and now I feel better.

Anyway while I was stuck in bed I kept revisiting this idea of spinning my own sock yarn, or rather, knitting socks with yarn that is shifting over a lot of different sizes and weights, and maybe having them come out all right anyway.

They wouldn't have to be perfect.  They'd just have to be okay.

And, of course, they'd have to be made from mohair/Romney fiber dyed by Silvia at Stoddart Family Farm.  Fortunately I have lots.

Thinking of the spinning got me thinking about a knitting bucket list, as opposed to a New Year's Resolution list or a To Do list.

This is just a dream list.

A 'What would I like to knit, if I weren't so busy knitting?' list.

Well, I'll tell you - the second thing I'd like to knit is another slouchy hat like this one, and this time, I'd write up the pattern.

I considered this hat to be a failure after I made it because it was too wide and too long - too slouchy, in fact - for the shape I'd intended.  But I wear it every day now anyway, because it's so comfortable and my hair looks so great when I take it off, not all flat or marked by the impression of the band.

Also it matches my favourite scarf, which I did not knit, but which was given to Pete and which I never even let him take out of its bag.  It's 100% silk, from Italy, soft as you can possibly imagine and just so warm, just beautiful.  It's black on one face and grey on the other, the two fabrics fused together in some way I still can't see.

(I'm not as mean as all that; he was given two, and the other one matches his coat perfectly, so really he didn't need this one.)

The third thing... well, I have no picture to share for it.  Probably for the same reason it's on the bucket list.  I'm having a sort of writer's block about it, or rather, them: the fingerless gloves I wanted to take to Italy for al fresco dining and probably won't be, now.

Probably if I'd had a pattern to follow blindly there wouldn't be a problem, but I didn't - I ended up having to improvise a pattern for myself, and by the time I got up to the fingertips I just felt too overwhelmed by the different directions I could take to be able to pursue any of them.

That's all.  I'd like to do some spinning, and I'd like to knit a soft warm hat that folds into my purse without crushing, and I'd like to finish a pair of partially fingery gloves.  If these things really were in a bucket, it would be a colourful one, but vintage, with some of the paint chipped off and the rust showing through.  Special, but not fancy.

Lannie sends me interesting links sometimes about simple sources of happiness and one of them recently talked about buckets.  I'm sorry I don't remember to whom the credit should go but here is the idea:

If your bucket feels empty, fill somebody else's.  It's the best way to top up your own.

So... for purely unselfish reasons, since the last thing I want is more knitting dreams I have no time to fulfill, I hope this post about my bucket list gave you some ideas for yours! and I hope you have a lovely time till I see you again tomorrow.

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